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Sireontours is a leading DMC with fifty years of experience in providing tailor-made travel services, including FIT, groups and MICE, across the whole of Italy. Since the last decades the company has been managed by proactive partners, who carry on the founders’ legacy of passionate commitment. We operate through a multilingual staff and our B2B and xml/API integration allow our clients to access our database of hotels, tours and transfers. The assistance we deliver covers any travel-related activity, from the first draft to the final accomplishment, and involves a 24/7 on-site customer care to guarantee the smoothest experience. All our suppliers are carefully selected to comply with our requirements in terms of accountability and integrity, and we periodically inspect the properties in our collection to make sure they are up to our standards. The relations with our clients are based on solid partnerships and mutual trust that are, in the long haul, the most profitable investment of all.
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ContactsTel. +39 0818071865
Fax. +39 0818773242
info@sireontours.comFit Department
fit@sireontours.comGroups Department
groups@sireontours.comEvents Department
events@sireontours.comAccounts Department
accounts@sireontours.comBooking online system helpdesk
Viale Montariello 3, Sorrento Italia 80067 (NA) Tel. +39 0818071865
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